Herb & Spice Companion

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Harvest: Let the fennel grow until the flowers turn
from yellow to brown and the seeds are green-yellow;
cut the flowers from the stems into a paper bag and let
them dry completely in the shade.
Care: Keep fennel far from any dill plants in the garden,
as they can interfere with one another and produce
unpleasant flavors. Fennel self-seeds readily; let them
drop for a new crop.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, dressings and mari-
nades, rubs, soups, sauces, breads, pas-
tas, casseroles, pickling spices, beverages
Prep: Use seeds whole, crushed,
pounded, or ground in any recipe. Roast
whole seeds before adding to a dish
to develop a sweet-spicy flavor (see
page 150).
Serve: Fennel seeds give Italian sau-
sages their distinctive flavor, and are a
common ingredient in dry rubs for meats
and fish. Seeds are also used as a pick-
ling spice and flavoring for teas, syrups,
anise-flavored liquors (like absinthe), and
even toothpastes. They’re often baked
into breads, incorporated into stuffings
and sauerkraut, and partnered with gar-
lic, tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans.


  • Anise (more
    pungent anise)

  • Caraway

  • Dill (more pungent;
    parsley, less anise)

Fruits and Vegetables:
beets, cabbage, carrots, celery,
cucumbers, mushrooms, onions,
peppers, potatoes, shallots,
spinach, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, chicken, fish
and seafood, pork, sausage
Seasonings: anise, basil,
bay leaf, cardamom, cayenne,
cinnamon, cloves, coriander
seeds, cumin, fennel leaves and
bulb, garlic, ginger, lemon juice,
mustard, oregano, paprika,
parsley, red pepper flakes,
rosemary, thyme, turmeric

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