Herb & Spice Companion

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Myristica fragrans

Flavors: pungent, warm,
bittersweet, woody, with clove

Nutmeg is the fruit of a tropical tree native to the Banda Islands (or Spice Islands) of
Indonesia. Like a plum or peach, the fruit contains a hard seed at its center, and it’s this
seed that gives us the scrumptious, powerful spice we call nutmeg. The nutmeg shell
is covered with a red webbed coating, an aril or placenta—this is mace, another spice
entirely with distinct uses in cooking.
Mace is subtler and sweeter than nut-
meg, with hints of citrus and cinnamon.
Whole nutmeg seeds are sold
at specialty markets and health-food
stores, and they’re worth seeking out
for the superior flavor of freshly ground
nutmeg. Pre-ground nutmeg holds up
well, too, so it’s a fine alternative. Spice
shops sell mace in ground form and,
sometimes, in larger segments called
“blades,” which are preferred.

In the Garden
Nutmeg loves tropical climates with plenty of rainfall and humidity. The trees are dioe-
cious, or single-sexed, meaning they need both male and female specimens in order
to bear fruit; unfortunately, the tree’s gender isn’t revealed until it’s 5 years old, so the
best way to begin a nutmeg crop is to plant several trees and hope there is a male in
the mix. The tree begins producing fruit after 5 to 8 years, but it’ll continue offering
up delicious spices for another 50. If growing indoors, position the plant where it will
receive lots of sunlight.
Size: Up to 60 feet tall
Container: At least 2 feet in diameter and 20 inches deep
Light: Partial sun or light shade in the first few years, then full sun

Nutmeg has been used traditionally
to treat digestive troubles like gas,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and
to soothe toothaches and sores in the
mouth. Its mild calming effect can be
helpful for anxiety and insomnia, while
its essential oil contains compounds
believed to wield antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory powers.

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