Herb & Spice Companion

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Soil: Moist, rich, extremely well drained
Plant: Fresh seeds, soaked in water for 24 hours before
sowing. Start seeds in a container and transplant out-
doors when 10 inches tall, taking care not to disturb
the taproot. Space at least thirty feet away from other
Water: Regularly, to keep the soil consistently moist
but not wet. Mist with water from a spray bottle to
simulate the humidity in the tropics.
Harvest: When ripe, the seed’s outer husks will split open. The husks, flesh, and
mace should be removed and the seeds dried in the sun for up to 2 months. When
shaken, a completely dried nutmeg seed will rattle inside the shell. Remove the shell
to reveal the seed.
Care: Mulch the soil for added nutrients, especially for seedlings and young plants.
Weed regularly. If planting permanently in a container, transplant to a container that’s
at least 2 inches wider than the previous one, and repeat as the tree grows.

Keep It Fresh
Whole nutmeg seeds will keep for years
if sealed in an airtight container.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Baked desserts, cakes, cookies,
pies, puddings, stews, sauces
Prep: Grind whole nutmeg using a
microplane grater.
Serve: A signature holiday-season spice
in the United States, nutmeg is used
widely in cakes, cookies, puddings, milk-
shakes, eggnog, and mulled wine; it’s
integral to sweet spice blends for pump-
kin pie and apple pie. It also pairs nicely
with cooked root vegetables like beets,
carrots, and potatoes, as well as squash
and spinach. Outside the United States,
nutmeg is often added to meaty stews,
pasta sauces, and veggie purees; it’s used in the savory blends quatre epices and ras
el hanout (see page 250).


  • Mace

  • Allspice

  • Cinnamon

  • Cloves

  • Ginger

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, cabbage, carrots,
cauliflower, onions, potatoes,
pumpkin, raisins, spinach, sweet
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
eggs, fish and seafood, lamb,
mutton, pecans, veal, walnuts
Seasonings: allspice,
cardamom, cinnamon, cloves,
coriander seeds, cumin, garlic,
ginger, honey, lemon juice, mace,
pepper, rose, thyme, vanilla

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