Herb & Spice Companion

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Chili peppers grow best in hot climates and won’t tolerate contact with frosts.
Ideal growing temperature is between 70° and 85°F. They’ll grow successfully in con-
tainers indoors if positioned in a sun-filled window. When you notice roots grow-
ing out of the drainage holes, it’s time
to re-pot into a larger container. When
transplanting, try to keep the soil around
the roots intact for minimal disturbance.
Germination and flowering times vary
by type of pepper, so check the plant’s
growing instructions to know its specific
requirements and schedule.
Size: Varies by species
Container: At least 4 inches in diame-
ter; larger depending on plant size
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, fertile, well drained. Mix
compost into the soil and place mulch
around the plants for added nutrients
and to retain water.
Plant: Seeds or seedlings
Water: Regularly, to keep the soil con-
sistently moist
Harvest: When the peppers are a solid
color, they’re ready for harvest. Snip off
peppers with some stem attached.
Care: Protect growing plants from frosts
and winds.

Making Paprika from Dried
Dry your fresh paprika peppers as
directed on page 169. Once com-
pletely dried, select some peppers for
the paprika and store the others in the
freezer for later use. (Ground spices lose
their flavor over time, so only grind a

When shopping for paprika, keep this
rule in mind: The redder the powder,
the milder the spice. Bright-red paprika
will be mild and sweet, while pale-red
and brown varieties pack more heat.
Paprikas produced in the United States
are generally all mild, while Hungarian
varieties can be hotter than Spanish.

Különleges (“special delicate”): mild,
very sweet, and bright red
Édesnemes (“noble sweet”): the most
common paprika; sweet, slightly hot,
and bright red
Delicatessen (“delicate”): slightly
hotter and pale red
Félédes (“semisweet”): medium hot,
less sweet
Rósza (“rose”): hot and light red
Erös (“stong”): hottest, bitter, dark red
to brown

Dulce (“sweet”): smoky, tangy, and
dark red
Agridulce (“bittersweet”): sharp,
pungent, and bitter
Picante (“hot”): sharp and hot

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