Herb & Spice Companion

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Piper nigrum

Flavors: black pungent, hot, sharp;
white pungent, fiery, and sharp,
with slight sweetness; green
fresh, pungent, and hot; red fresh
and sweet

One of the most coveted spices since ancient times, pepper is still the world’s num-
ber one seasoning. Grown on a tropical flowering vine, peppercorns are actually the
plant’s fruit, or berries, and they’re harvested at different times to produce black,
white, green, and red varieties.
Peppercorns turn bright green when full-grown and bright red when ripe. Unripe
green berries are harvested and dried outdoors, where they adopt the familiar black,
wrinkled appearance and pungent flavor of black peppercorns. The variety sold as
green peppercorns is either freeze-dried or preserved in brine to retain their green
color and distinct hot flavor. They can also be dried after heating in boiling water for
20 minutes.
For white peppercorns, the berries
are picked later, as they’re ripening from
yellow to red; after harvesting, the outer
coating is removed to reveal the white
kernel inside, which has less aroma but
sharper flavor. Ripe red peppercorns
offer the sweetest flavor, most like a
fruit but with a little hot-pepper kick;
they’re preserved in brine.

In the Garden
Pepper vines are perennials that love the hot, rainy climates of India and Southeast
Asia. It’s not impossible to grow pepper in subtropical regions, like the southern United
States, but a greenhouse environment would be better than attempting to grow it
outdoors year-round. However, it’ll grow successfully as a container plant if brought

Black pepper helps stimulate healthy
digestion, urination, and sweating, all
functions that aid in detoxification. Its
biting heat can clear out congestion
and improve symptoms of the
common cold, making it the perfect
seasoning for good ol’ chicken soup.

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