Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 203 –

Container: 6 inches
Light: Full sun
Soil: Medium to light, rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds
Water: Regularly while the seedlings and young plants
are developing; less frequent and lighter watering once
established; somewhat drought tolerant
Harvest: When seedpods turn brown, but before they
pop open, they are ready for harvest. Collect the pods and spread them onto a flat
surface in a dry, shady location; when completely dry, the pods will split and free the
seeds. Let the seeds dry completely before storing.
Care: Weed regularly. Protect from frosts.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Breads, stir-fries, dressings, mar-
inades, baked sweets, ice cream
Prep: To bring out their flavor, dry-roast
(or toast) sesame seeds briefly, until they
pop, become fragrant, and look lightly
tanned. They burn easily, so cook with
caution. Baking also enhances their fla-
vor. Grind using a spice grinder, blender,
or mortar and pestle.
Serve: Sprinkle toasted sesames into
soups, salads, cooked veggie dishes, and
cheesy dips and sauces. Add raw seeds
to breads and pastry doughs before bak-
ing. Black sesame seeds make a crunchy
coating for fish and chicken, and a tasty
addition to noodle and rice dishes. Seeds
and oil are perfect partners for traditional
Asian seasonings, especially ginger, lem-
ongrass, garlic, and chili peppers.


  • Poppy seeds

  • Chopped nuts
    (almonds, peanuts,
    or cashews)

Fruits and Vegetables:
broccoli, cabbage, carrots,
eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms,
onions, peas, peppers, scallions,
tomatoes, zucchini
Proteins: almonds, beans,
chicken, fish and seafood
Seasonings: allspice,
cardamom, cassia, cinnamon, chili
peppers, cloves, coriander seeds,
garlic, ginger, honey, lemongrass,
lime juice, nutmeg, oregano,
paprika, pepper, soy sauce,
sumac, thyme, vanilla

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