Herb & Spice Companion

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and more intense, so you’ll get a stronger punch with smaller amounts than you’d
get with fresh herbs. When swapping dried herbs in place of fresh, use only one-third
the amount called for in the recipe. So, if the recipe says 1 tablespoon fresh thyme
leaves, use 1 teaspoon dried thyme (3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon). Likewise, if
using fresh herbs instead of dried, multiply the amount by three: 1 tablespoon dried
oregano calls for a substitution of 3 tablespoons fresh.

Drying Fresh Herbs
Rather than paying for pricey dried herb packets at the supermarket, it’s simple to
dry herbs on your own. If you have an herb garden, harvest your herbs when they
reach peak flavor and aroma—as the buds appear but before the flowers open. If
you don’t grow your own, stock up on fresh herbs when they’re readily available at
your local market.
Two effective methods are air-drying and oven-drying. Air-drying is ideal for
herbs with lower moisture content, like oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Tender,
moist herbs like dill, basil, mint, and chives need a quicker drying method, or they’re
likely to grow mold. Heating in an oven or microwave is an option for quicker drying,
but take care not to overheat or your herbs will lose their oils, colors, and flavors.
First, rinse herbs clean in cold water, if necessary, then pat dry with a paper
towel and spread over towels to dry completely. Next, follow these easy steps, and
your herbs will be dried within two to four hours (oven-drying) to a couple weeks


  1. Trim and discard any damaged or discolored leaves or stems.

  2. Collect five to ten sprigs or branches per bundle, and tie the bou-
    quets with a twist-tie or rubber band at the stems.

  3. Hang bouquets upside down in a dark, warm, airy room. (Don’t
    dry them outside, as sunlight and moisture in the air can diminish
    the herbs’ color and flavor.) Hanging plants upside down will al-
    low the oils to pool into the leaves, resulting in better flavors and
    brighter colors.

  4. To test if your herbs are completely dried, after a week touch the
    leaves with your fingertips—they should feel brittle and crumble
    when you press or rub them in your hands.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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