Herb & Spice Companion

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Amomum melegueta

Flavors: pungent, hot, peppery,
earthy, with citrus

Exotic to most modern-day Western cuisines, this West African spice was used abun-
dantly during the Middle Ages as an alternative for costly black pepper. However, in
contrast to pepper’s straightforward heat, grains of paradise are more complex—
earthy with a hint of citrus and, of course, that peppery bite.
Also called melegueta pepper or alligator pepper, grains of paradise are actu-
ally related to cardamom and ginger.
Grown from a rhizome, the shrub bears
pretty yellow-pink flowers and red fig-
sized fruits, or seedpods, containing the
tiny “grains.”
Traditionally, grains of paradise was
used to flavor beer and wine, and it’s still
used in the Scandinavian spirit akvavit.
The spice serves similarly to black pep-
per in the kitchen, but with added zesty
flavor. It’s an important ingredient in the
Tunisian five-spice blend qâlat daqqa, as
well as in Moroccan ras el hanout (see
page 250).

In the Garden
This tropical perennial plant thrives on the warm, humid, swampy coast of Ghana,
where the average low temperature is around 75°F. It’s not often grown in the tem-
perate climates of the West, but can be started indoors during the cooler months
and transplanted outside in warm spring weather. Seeds need humidity, sun, and

In addition to their zesty flavors,
grains of paradise are enjoyed for
their digestive properties, known
to prevent and relieve flatulence,
diarrhea, and heartburn. The spice
also contains healthy compounds
such as gingerols, which can reduce
inflammation and lower blood sugar,
suggesting it might be useful in
treating conditions like diabetes and
heart disease.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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