Herb & Spice Companion

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Nigella sativa

Flavors: sharp, peppery, nutty,
bitter, and dry

A common seasoning in Indian cooking, nigella is sometimes confusingly called “black
cumin,” even though the two are unrelated. The plant is actually related to the orna-
mental love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascene), but that bright-bloomed species has no
use in the kitchen.
Nigella sativa might be less attrac-
tive than its pretty cousin, but its small
peppery seeds make up for it in flavor.
It’s found in many Indian and Middle
Eastern dishes, dotting savory breads
and spicing up curries, rice, and pickles.
Also called black caraway, black onion
seed, charnushka, and kalonji in Hindi,
nigella can be found in many Indian and
Middle Eastern markets.

In the Garden
Nigella plants have a short lifespan and may produce a few harvests throughout the
growing season if seeded regularly. To grow a full stock of the spice for use in cooking,
you’ll need several plants. They’ll grow healthily in containers indoors with plenty of
light; make sure the container is deep enough to fit the long taproot. Maturing nigella
plants don’t transplant easily, so it’s best to sow seeds directly into their permanent
spots. They flower and produce strange-looking seedpods within a couple months.
Size: 8 to 12 inches tall
Container: At least 12 inches deep
Light: Full sun
Soil: Dry to average, light, well drained. Mix compost into the soil for added nutrients
and improved drainage.

Nigella has been known to benefit
various systems in the human body:
It can help prevent and relieve
gas, indigestion, diarrhea, and
constipation. It’s also used for its
positive effects on respiratory health,
improving conditions like bronchitis,
asthma, and sore throat.

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