Herb & Spice Companion

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Curcuma longa

Flavors: fresh warm, earthy, with
citrus; dried pungent, warm,
earthy, musky, slightly bitter

Peel away the drab brown skin of the tur-
meric rhizome, and its glowing, golden-
yellow flesh reveals a versatile spice
that’s invaluable in every Indian kitchen.
Related to that other famous rhizome,
ginger, turmeric is used for both its
color and its flavor, which tends to fuse
and enhance other flavors in a dish.
Turmeric’s bright hue is used to dye
many foods sold in the West, including
mustards, cheeses, dressings, and soups.
Most often sold as a dried powder,
the spice can be used in both fresh and
dried forms. Only buy powdered tur-
meric in small quantities, as the flavor
dissipates quickly after grinding.

In the Garden
Turmeric rhizomes need 8 to 10 months of growth in a warm, humid environment
before they’re ready for harvest. In cooler climates, they can be grown in con-
tainers and brought indoors in winter, when they’re dormant. A perennial in hot
climates, turmeric can survive the winter outdoors and will start growing again the
following spring.
Size: Up to 3 feet tall
Container: At least 12 inches deep and wide
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained. Mix compost into the soil for added nutrients.

Turmeric is believed to be one of
the healthiest spices in the world,
thanks to its remarkable antiseptic,
anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant
properties. It’s often prescribed to
help treat inflammatory conditions
like arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and
ulcerative colitis. One of its main
compounds, curcumin, is a powerful
antioxidant; turmeric and curcumin
are being studied for their potential
in preventing degenerative conditions
like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and
various cancers.

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