Herb & Spice Companion

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Note: Page numbers in bold indicate
main entries of herbs, and page
numbers in italics indicate main
entries of spices.
Africa, blends from, 250
Air-drying herbs, 20
Ajwain, 151, 208–209
Allspice, 151, 154–155
Amchoor, 151, 210–211
Angelica, 10, 27, 86–87
Anise, 151, 156–157. See also Star
Anise hyssop, 27, 88–89
Annatto seeds, 151, 212–213
Annuals, 9, 10
Arugula, 27, 30–31
Asafetida, 151, 214–215
Asia, blends from, 250
Barberry, 151, 216–217
Basil, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32–33
Basil, holy, 36–37
Basil, Thai, 34–35
Bay (laurel) leaf, 10, 24, 27, 38–39
Bay leaf, Indian, 40–41
Bergamot, 27, 90–91
Biennials, 9, 10
Black cardamom, 164–165
Blends, by continent, 250–251
Book (this), using, 7
Borage, 10, 27, 92–93
Butter, herb, 26
Capers, 151, 158–159
Caraway, 10, 151, 160–161
Cardamom, 151
Cardamom (black), 164–165
Cardamom, 162–163
Caribbean, blends from, 251
Cassia, 151, 172–173
Catnip, 24, 27, 42–43
Celery, 10
Celery seeds, 151, 166–167
Chamomile, 10, 27, 94–95
Chervil, 10, 24, 27, 44–45
Chicory, 24, 27
Chiffonade, 26–27

Chili garlic paste, 150
Chili peppers, 151, 168–171. See
also Paprika; Pepper
Chives, 10, 24, 26, 27, 46–47
Chopping herbs, 26–27
Chopping spices, 189
Cilantro, 10, 24, 25, 27, 48–49
Cinnamon, 151, 174–175. See also
Climate, for growing herbs, 10–11
Cloves, 151, 176–177
Containers, for growing herbs,
Continent, herb/spice blends by,
Cooking. See also specific herbs and
with herbs, 24–27
with spices, 148–151
Coriander seeds, 151, 178–179
Crushing herbs, 27
Crushing spices, 151
Culantro, 24, 96–97
Cumin, 151, 180–181
Curry leaf, 27, 98–99
Curry paste, 150
Cuttings, growing herbs from, 15
Dill seeds, 182–183
Dill weed, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 50–51
Drainage, growing herbs and, 12
Dried vs. fresh herbs, 17–18
Drying fresh herbs, 20–21
Dry-roasting (or toasting) spices, 150
Elder, elderberry, elderflower, 27,
Epazote, 27, 102–103
Europe, blends from, 250
Fennel, 10, 24, 25, 27, 52–53
Fennel seeds, 151, 184–185
Fenugreek, 24, 27, 104–105
Fenugreek seeds, 151, 218–219
Flavor cheat sheets
herbs, 27
spices, 151
Freezing fresh herbs, 19

Frying spices, 149
Galangal, 151, 220–221
Garlic, 24, 26, 27, 54–57
German chamomile. See Chamomile
Ginger, 151, 186–188
Grains of paradise, 151, 222–223
Grating spices, 151, 189
Grinding spices, 150
Growing herbs, 8–16
advantages of, 8
9, 10
climate considerations, 10–11
containers for, 11–12
from cuttings, 15
drainage requirements, 12
ease of, 8–9
harvesting after, 16
light requirements, 12
by plant type. See specific herbs
from root divisions, 15
from seeds, 13–14
soil for, 12
space requirements, 8–9
stratification/scarification of
seeds and, 14
watering guidelines, 15
Growing spices
harvesting after, 16
by plant type. See specific spices
reality of, 9
Harissa, 150
Harvesting herbs, 16
Harvesting spices, 16
Health benefits. See specific herbs
and spices
Herb butter, 26
Herbs and spices
availability of, 6
blends by continent, 250–251
definitions and differences, 6–7
similarities, 7
storing. See Storing herbs and
symbolic meanings, 7
using this book, 7

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