Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 255 –

Herbs, fresh
chopping and crushing, 26–27
cooking with, 24–27
dried vs., 17–18
drying, 20–21
flavor cheat sheet, 27
freezing, 19
preparing, 25
removing leaves from stems, 25
robust vs. tender, 24
storing, 18–19
when to go with, 18
Holy basil, 36–37
Horseradish, 24, 27, 58–59
Houttuynia cordata, 27, 106–107
Hyssop, 27, 108–109. See also Anise
India, blends from, 251
Indian bay leaf, 40–41
Juicing roots/rhizomes, 189
Juniper berries, 151, 224–225
Laksa paste, 150
Latin America, blends from, 251
Laurel. See Bay (laurel) leaf
Lavender, 10, 24, 27, 60–61
Leaves, removing from stems, 25
Lemon balm, 10, 27, 110–111
Lemongrass, 24, 27, 62–63
Lemon verbena, 26, 27, 112–113
Licorice, 151, 226–227
Light, for growing herbs, 12
Lime, makrut, 151, 230–231
Lovage, 10, 27, 114–115
Mahlab, 151, 228–229
Makrut lime, 151, 230–231
Marigold, 27, 116–117
Marjoram, 10, 24, 25, 27, 64–65
Mastic, 151, 232–233
Microwave, drying herbs with, 21
Middle East, blends from, 251
Mint, 10, 24, 25, 27, 66–67
Mustard, 151, 190–191
Myrtle, 24, 27, 118–119
Nasturtium, 10, 120–121
Nepitella (lesser calamint), 27,
Nigella, 151, 234–235
North America, blends from, 251
Nutmeg, 151, 192–193

Online resources, 253
Oregano, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 68–69
Oven, drying herbs with, 21
Pairings. See specific herbs and spices
Pandan leaf, 27, 124–125
Paprika, 151, 194–196
Parsley, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 70–71
Pepper, 151, 197–199. See also Chili
peppers; Paprika; Sichuan pepper
Perennials, 9, 10
Perilla, 27, 126–127
Poppy seeds, 151, 200–201

Rau ram, 27, 128–129
Resources, 253
Rhizomes and roots, 189
Roman chamomile. See Chamomile
Root divisions, growing herbs from,
Roots and rhizomes, 189
Rose, 27, 151, 236–237
Rosemary, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 72–73
Saffron, 151, 238–239
Sage, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 74–75
Salad burnet, 10, 27, 130–131
Sassafras, 132–133
Savory, 27, 134–135
Scallions, 24, 27, 76–77
Scarification, of seeds, 14
Scented geranium, 27, 136–137
Seeds, growing herbs from, 13–14
Sesame seeds, 151, 202–203
Sichuan pepper, 151, 240–241
Slicing roots/rhizomes, 189
Soil, for growing herbs, 12
Sorrel, 27, 138–139
Spice pastes, 150
chopping/mincing, 189
cooking with, 148–151
dry-roasting (or toasting), 150
flavor cheat sheet, 151
frying in oil, 149
grinding, grating, crushing,
150–151, 189
harvesting, 16
herbs vs., 6–7
preparing, 149–151
roots and rhizomes, 189
slicing, 189

Star anise, 151, 242–243
Stems, removing leaves from, 25
Storing herbs and spices. See also
specific herbs and spices
about: overview of, 17
drying fresh herbs (air-dry or
oven/microwave), 20–21
freezing fresh herbs, 19
fresh herbs, 18–19
fresh vs. dried herbs, 17–18
when to go dried, 19–20
when to go fresh, 18
Stratification, of seeds, 14
Substitutions. See specific herbs and
Sumac, 151, 244–245
Summer savory, 10, 24
Sweet cicely, 27, 140–141
Sweet woodruff. See Woodruff,
Symbolism, of herbs and spices, 7
Tamarind, 151, 245–247
Tarragon, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 78–79
Thai basil, 34–35
Thyme, 24, 25, 26, 27, 80–81
Toasting spices, 150
Turmeric, 151, 248–249
Vanilla, 151, 204–206
Wasabi, 27, 142–143
Watercress, 24, 27, 82–83
Watering herb plants, 15
Websites, helpful, 253
Winter savory, 24
Woodruff, sweet, 10, 27, 144–145

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