Herb & Spice Companion

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Common Kitchen Herbs

  • 31 –

Water: Regularly, when soil feels dry to the touch
Harvest: Take the outermost leaves first, and the inte-
rior will generate new leaves throughout the season.
Harvest frequently to promote new growth.
Care: If the sun gets strong and hot, provide arugula
plants some shade, especially in the afternoon. Mix
compost into the soil for added nutrients and to retain

Keep It Fresh
If purchased in a bunch with roots, wrap
the roots in a damp paper towel, place
in a plastic bag, and store in the refrig-
erator crisper. For just the leaves, layer
in paper towels to keep them as dry as
possible, place in a zip-tight plastic bag,
and store in the crisper. Arugula should
not be frozen or dried.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, sandwiches, soups, pas-
tas, pizza, sauces
Prep: Use whole leaves in any dish you
Serve: Arugula offers a tangy coun-
terpoint to big-flavored cheeses like
Parmesan and Gorgonzola, to fresh fruit
like oranges and pears, and to omelets
and potato dishes. Sauté the leaves with
garlic, or steam them, then serve along-
side fish, poultry, or meat for an easy
side dish.


  • aby spinach 
    pinch of pepper

  • andelion greens

  • ndive

  • scarole

  • (adicchio

  • Watercress


Fruits and Vegetables:
avocado, beets, berries, citrus,
corn, lettuces, mushrooms,
onions, oranges, pears, potatoes,
Proteins: beef, chicken, cheeses,
eggs, fish and seafood, nuts,
prosciutto, veal
Seasonings: balsamic vinegar,
chervil, garlic, lemon juice, olive
oil, parsley, pepper, red pepper

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Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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