Herb & Spice Companion

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Fresh basil is a nutritional dynamo,
with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,
and antioxidant powers that boost
the immune system, improve the
health of your heart and arteries, and
soothe stomach upset. The tasty herb
has also been shown to reduce stress
and symptoms of anxiety disorders.


Ocimum basilicum

Flavors: sweet, spicy, and
peppery, with hints of clove, anise,


An ever-popular summertime herb, basil originated in India but is now grown in warm
climates throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. There are dozens of varieties to
try and countless ways to prepare them in cuisines from across the globe.
Sweet basil is most common in Western
cuisines, especially in Mediterranean
food, and other popular basils in
Western cooking include purple basil,
purple ruffles, cinnamon, lettuce, and
African Blue. Basil is a tender herb, so
its flavor won’t withstand high heats or
long cook times. If adding to a cooked
dish, do so at the very end of cooking or
just before serving.

In the Garden
Basil is an annual that makes a great indoor plant all
year-round, as long as the container has suitable drain-
age and is positioned in a sun-soaked windowsill.
Size: 1 to 2 feet tall
Container: 10 inches in diameter
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds, seedlings, or transplants


  • African blue

  • Bush basil

  • Cinnamon basil

  • Lemon basil

  • Lettuce basil

  • Licorice basil

  • Purple ruffles basil

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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