Herb & Spice Companion

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Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum

Other common names: Bai Gaprow
or Tulasi

Flavors: spicy and peppery, with
cloves, peppermint, and licorice

Called bai gaprow in Thai and tulasi in
Sanskrit, holy basil is a spicy variant of
the sweet basil plant. In India, the plant
is indeed “holy”: Devout Hindus use
it in their daily worship practices and
many homes have a tulasi plant on their
With a pungent, hot flavor, holy
basil is a top choice for hearty, meaty
curries. Raw leaves are not recom-
mended for eating, as the flavor really
comes out through cooking. And that
flavor is intense: Use in smaller quantities
than you would with Thai basil.

In the Garden
Holy basil is a tropical perennial that grows healthily indoors in a pot or container;
place in a sun-filled window.
Size: 12 to 18 inches tall
Container: 2 gallons
Light: Full sun
Soil: Rich, fertile, well drained
Plant: Seeds, seedlings, or transplants
Water: Regularly, when soil feels dry to the touch; do not overwater. Water the plant
around the base, and not over the leaves, which will cause them to yellow.

Holy basil is a prominent herb in
Ayurveda, revered for millennia as a
stress reliever and immune booster.
Often sipped as a tea, it’s believed
to help the body manage physical
and emotional stress. Holy basil has
been used widely for its antioxidant,
antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory
properties, as treatment for colds,
bronchitis, asthma, fever, stomach
upset, arthritis, and headaches.

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