Herb & Spice Companion

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Nepeta cataria

Flavors: minty and bitter

Although it doesn't have the same effect
on humans as it does on cats, catnip is
indeed edible and easy to incorporate into
your herbal repertoire. A member of the
mint family, catnip bears resemblance to
that herb physically, aromatically, and in
flavor. However, some find the fragrance
and taste unpleasantly bitter (though
probably not your cat). Often used in
relaxing, stomach-soothing teas, fresh
catnip can also be sprinkled into a variety
of dishes for added minty seasoning.
If your yard hosts lots of bugs, take
note: The substance that triggers a
euphoric reaction in cats, called nepeta-
lactone, is also an effective mosquito,
termite, and cockroach repellant. So that
catnip plant can serve triple-duty, as a
culinary herb, cat toy, and insect repellant.

In the Garden
Catnip is a perennial that will grow healthily in a container on a sunny windowsill. If
your cat goes so cuckoo for catnip in the garden (i.e., she rolls all over it), protect the
plant with a wire mesh screen, like chicken wire, or a wire cage.

While catnip might drive your cat
crazy, the herb actually has the
opposite effect on humans: It’s been
known for centuries as a calming
stress reliever for the body and mind.
Catnip can help relieve stomach
upset, including irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS), indigestion, gas and
menstrual cramps, and nausea. It’s
used to treat anxiety, headaches and
migraines, and insomnia, as well
as colds, cough, upper-respiratory
infections, fever, and the flu. Thought
to possess anti-inflammatory
properties, catnip has also been used
to relieve discomfort from arthritis,
hemorrhoids, and hives.

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