Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 43 –

Size: 2 to 3 feet tall
Container: 10 inches in diameter
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or divisions
Water: Regularly, when the soil feels almost dry
Harvest: Snip off full-grown stems at the base with
garden shears.
Care: Protect the plant from strong winds but make sure it receives plenty of air circu-
lation in its center to prevent mildew. If you live in a hot, sunny climate, treat catnip to
some shade in the afternoon and keep the soil consistently moist. Catnip grows quickly
and self-seeds, so snip flower buds when
you see them to control spreading.

Keep It Fresh
If you plan to make catnip tea, dry the sprigs
according to the directions on page 20.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Teas, salads, sauces, soups,
stews, marinades
Prep: Use whole or torn leaves in salads,
and use dried, crushed leaves in teas.
Serve: Catnip has strong bitter-mint fla-
vor, so use sparingly at first and add more
to your liking. Toss leaves into salads,
eggs, and potato dishes, or pair with rich
meats like duck and pork.


  • Mint

  • Lesser calamint

Fruits and Vegetables:
carrots, cucumber, eggplant,
lemon, lettuce, lime, mushrooms,
onions, oranges, potatoes,
Proteins: beans, cheeses,
chicken, duck, eggs, fish and
seafood, lamb, lentils, pork
Seasonings: basil, bay leaf, chili
peppers, cilantro, garlic, honey,
lemon juice and zest, oregano,
parsley, pepper, sage, thyme

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