Herb & Spice Companion

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Allium schoenoprasum

Flavors: mild onion, fresh, subtly
spicy; milder than scallions

A member of the onion family and a relative of garlic, chives are used in many cui-
sines across the globe and enjoyed for their fresh, zesty crunch. They grow long, hol-
low green reeds from small bulb roots
and sprout bright pink-purple flowers
in summertime that are also edible and
onion flavored. Garlic chives (allium
tuberosum) are grown throughout Asia
and have been used in Chinese cooking
for close to five thousand years; true to
their name, they have a stronger garlic
flavor than standard chives.
A fundamental ingredient in the
French herb blend fines herbes (see rec-
ipe on page 250), chives are always used
fresh or added at the very end of cook-
ing to retain optimal flavor.

In the Garden
For a steady supply of perennial chives in the kitchen, grow them in containers indoors
in a sun-filled window.
Size: 1 to 2 feet tall
Container: 6 to 8 inches in diameter
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained; add compost
Plant: Seeds or clumps from a nursery
Water: Regularly, when soil feels dry to the touch

Like onions and garlic, chives contain
allicin, a compound believed to help
lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
They also offer several compounds
with antioxidant powers, including
vitamin K, carotenes, and quercetin,
known to help stave off symptoms of
aging and protect from degenerative
conditions like heart disease and

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