Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 47 –

Harvest: Snip off whole stems rather than trimming
just from the tips. Do not pull them out of the ground).
Leave about one to two inches of stem at the base, and
they’ll grow back quickly.
Care: They tend to self-seed fairly aggressively, so keep
them under control by snipping off flowers when they
open and before they spread seeds. If growing in a
garden, after a few years, divide clumps and replant
in smaller batches. Simply separate into bunches of six
bulbs each, then replant about one foot apart. Repeat every two or three years at the
beginning of spring.

Keep It Fresh
Chives freeze well, so for longer storage
consider chopping and freezing in ice-
cube trays (see freezing tips on page 19).
Do not dry.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, sauces, dips,
dressings, marinades
Prep: Chop or mince and add to any
savory dish. See chopping directions
on page 26, or use scissors for easier,
cleaner chopping.
Serve: Chives have a light oniony flavor
that adds zip to salads, sauces, pota-
toes, eggs, soups, and mild spreadable
cheeses. They’re a favorite add-on for
baked potatoes along with sour cream
or butter, and they offer a fresh, crunchy
texture to potato salads and yogurt dips.


  • Leeks

  • Scallions/green
    onions (more

  • Onions

Vegetables: avocado, carrots,
celery, cucumbers, lettuce,
mushrooms, onions, parsnips,
potatoes, shallots, tomatoes,
turnips, zucchini
Proteins: bacon, cheddar
cheese, cream cheese, eggs, fish
and seafood (especially smoked
salmon), goat cheese
Seasonings: balsamic vinegar,
basil, chervil, cilantro, dill, fennel,
garlic, lemon juice, mustard,
paprika, parsley, red pepper
flakes, sweet cicely, tarragon,

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