Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 49 –

Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, well drained
Plant: Seeds. To help germination, gently squeeze each
seed until its halves split, then soak in water for two to
three days and let dry completely before sowing.
Water: Regularly, to keep soil consistently moist
Harvest: Snip outer stems and leaves about once a
week, taking only one small batch at a time to keep the plant healthy and growing. For
the coriander, let the flowers develop and dry, then harvest the seeds (see page 179).
You can wait for cilantro to self-seed, or sow fresh seeds every two to three weeks.
Care: Weed regularly or place mulch around plants to prevent weeds. In hot, sunny
climates, plant in the fall and provide
some shade; cilantro will quickly go to
seed if overheated. Harvest often and
snip off flowers as you see them so the
plant can focus on growing foliage.

Keep It Fresh
Cilantro holds up well frozen in ice-cube
trays (see tips on page 19). Do not dry.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, dips, pastes,
Prep: Use whole fresh leaves or chop
before adding to a dish (see chopping
tips on page 26).
Serve: If you love cilantro, you might
find that its complex, refreshing flavor
adds oomph to most any dish, includ-
ing many from Latin American, Middle
Eastern, and Asian cuisines. It pairs
especially well with bright citrus, mild
veggies, and bold seasonings like garlic,
hot chili peppers, and mint.


  • asil

  • Culantro

  • 'arsley

Fruits and Vegetables:
avocado, carrots, corn, jicama,
lettuce, mango, onions, potatoes,
tomatoes, tomatillos
Proteins: beans, beef, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, fish and seafood,
lamb, lentils, pork
Seasonings: basil, cayenne,
chili peppers, chipotle peppers,
chives, coriander seeds, cumin,
curry powder, fennel, fish sauce,
galangal, garlic, ginger, jalapeño,
lemongrass, lemon juice and zest,
lime juice and zest, makrut lime,
marjoram, mint, oregano, paprika,
parsley, red pepper flakes, saffron,
scallions, soy sauce, turmeric

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