Herb & Spice Companion

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Anethum graveolens

Flavors: mild anise, parsley, with

Dill plants grow feathery, dainty leaves,
and, if allowed to fully mature, clusters
of yellow flowers sprout from the top,
replicating the look and growth habit of
their cousins parsley and caraway.
If you eat pickles, you’re famil-
iar with the distinct flavor of dill. It’s
a signature herb in many European
and Asian cuisines, used for its fresh-
tasting leaves and potent seeds that
taste much like caraway and anise. The
leaves are milder in flavor, subtly rem-
iniscent of anise and parsley. Because
they’re tender, they aren’t ideal for
dishes with long cook times unless
they’re added at the very end.

In the Garden
Dill plants are annuals that grow a long taproot that makes transplanting difficult, so
choose a location that will be adequate for a full-grown plant.
Size: 3 feet tall
Container: At least 12 inches deep
Light: Full sun
Soil: Light, rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds or young plants. Dill forms thick, sturdy roots, so transplant only young
potted plants with roots and soil together.

This herb boasts antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, antispasmodic, and
antiviral powers that make it a
fantastic addition to a regular diet.
Among its many benefits, dill aids
digestion, helps clear up coughs and
congestion, and has been used to
sanitize and disinfect the mouth and
injuries to the skin. (For example:
Hippocrates allegedly tended to Greek
soldiers’ burn wounds with dill.)

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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