Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 51 –

Water: Frequently at first, but less often when estab-
lished; when the soil feels dry.
Harvest: Snip or pinch off individual stems from the
base, only a few at a time, leaving the rest of the plant
intact. Or, you can let the older dill plants flower and
develop their tasty dill seeds (see page 182).
Care: Protect from winds or support with stakes in the ground. Harvest regularly to
keep your dill plant producing more leaves. Snip off any flowers you see so the plant
can focus on its foliage. Sow new seeds every two or three weeks to maintain a
steady supply in your kitchen.

Keep It Fresh
For longer freshness, freeze in ice-cube
trays (see page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, sauces, dips, dressings,
marinades, soups, breads, rice
Prep: Use whole fresh leaves or chop
before adding to any dish. If you’re
chopping dill, make sure it’s completely
dry. Remove the thick stems below the
fronds, then follow the chopping tips on
page 26.
Serve: Dill is an ever-popular counterpart
to seafood, particularly salmon, shrimp,
and scallops. It adds a garden flavor to
savory breads, and makes a delicious herby
dip when combined with soft, spreadable
cheeses, yogurt, or sour cream.


  • Tarragon

  • Fennel leaves

Vegetables: asparagus, beets,
carrots, celery, cucumber, onions,
potatoes, spinach, tomatoes,
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
eggs, beans, fish and seafood,
Seasonings: balsamic vinegar,
basil, capers, garlic, horseradish,
lemon juice, mustard, paprika,


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