Herb & Spice Companion

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Allium sativum

Flavors: pungent, spicy

Lovingly dubbed “the stinking rose,”
garlic is one of the most recogniz-
able flavors in the world, essential to
Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. It’s a
member of the lily family, along with its
similarly pungent relatives, chives, leeks,
and onions.
Most commonly found in raw bulb
form, garlic can be cooked whole for a
sweet and mellow effect, or chopped
up to release stronger flavor. However,
it shouldn’t be cooked for very long
because it loses flavor and nutritional
value during cooking; it also burns easily,
which radically affects the taste (read:
it’s icky). Add at the end of cooking to
avoid ruining your dish.
In addition to fresh garlic, you’ll also
find it sold as powder, flakes, granules,
paste, juice, and extract.

In the Garden
The best time to plant garlic, which is a perennial, is in mid-autumn, after the first
frost. In wintry climates, plant garlic about six weeks before the ground freezes. This
crop will be harvested the following summer. In hot climates, plant in late winter or
early spring. Don’t buy garlic for planting from the supermarket, since they often sell
varieties that aren’t locally grown; visit a local nursery instead.

Garlic is one of the best herbs for
all-around health: It helps fight
infections caused by bacteria,
viruses, and fungi, and is thought
to be a powerful weapon against
the common cold and flu. It’s also
a well-known anti-inflammatory,
great for people who suffer from
chronic inflammatory conditions
like Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, and
arthritis. The stinking rose also
offers antioxidant properties, which
can boost the immune system and
postpone or prevent degenerative
conditions related to aging. On top of
all that, garlic is good for the heart.
It can help lower blood pressure and
cholesterol, and prevent or eliminate
plaque buildup in the arteries.

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