Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 55 –

Size: 1 to 4 feet tall
Container: at least 8 inches deep and 8 inches wide
for one bulb; larger for multiple bulbs spaced about 4
inches apart
Light: Full sun
Soil: Rich, loose, well drained
Plant: Cloves with husks: one clove will yield one garlic bulb. Plant each clove, tip
pointing up and root end down, about 2 to 3 inches deep and separated from the
next by up to 6 inches. Cover with soil.
Water: Thoroughly after planting, then again after removing mulch in spring. After
that, water every few days during the spring or whenever the soil feels dry.
Harvest: As the garlic grows in springtime, you’ll notice long curled stalks, or
“scapes,” growing out the top of your garlic bed. Cut these off as you see them (and
eat them, if you like) to keep the garlic focused on nourishing the bulb. When most
of the tops turn yellow or begin to droop over, harvest by loosening the soil around
each bulb and carefully lifting (not pulling) out of the ground.

Enjoy juicy fresh garlic whenever you want and store the remaining cloves in a zip-
tight plastic bag in the fridge. Or, dry the entire harvest—a process called "curing,"
which helps the flavor fully develop and extends its shelf life.
Place homegrown garlic in a shady, dry location with good air circulation, such as
beneath a large tree or on a roofed porch, for a few weeks or until completely dried.
Make sure the garlic is protected from rain and sun. The skin should feel brittle, and the
whole bulb should be dry and hard.
Store garlic bulbs at cool room temperature in a dark spot with good air
circulation, either uncovered in a container or inside a mesh bag on the counter. Bulbs
can keep for up to two months if stored properly; cloves separated from the bulb will
stay fresh for up to ten days. Place chopped or minced garlic in an airtight container in
the refrigerator and use it soon.
Freeze whole or chopped garlic in zip-tight freezer bags, but know that flavor and
texture can be different from fresh garlic. You can also dry minced garlic in the oven to
make garlic flakes or garlic powder: Spread minced garlic on a baking sheet and heat
at 115°F for up to forty-eight hours. Store dried garlic flakes in an airtight container
on the kitchen counter for a few months, or freeze for up to a year. To make garlic
powder, grind the flakes using a clean coffee grinder, blender, or food processor.


  • Leeks

  • Onions

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Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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