Herb & Spice Companion

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Armoracia rusticana

Flavors: pungent, spicy, zesty,

This long, beige-brown root is a staple in German, Austrian, Scandinavian, and French
regional cuisines. Traditionally, the root was chopped or sliced, mixed with vinegar,
and served as a condiment for roast beef and other rich meats and fish. The shredded
root is now often combined with may-
onnaise, sour cream, or yogurt to make
zesty sauces and dips. Horseradish should
not be cooked, as its flavor dissipates
quickly and completely when exposed to
too much heat.

In the Garden
Find a spot in your garden exclusively for
the horseradish, a perennial, since it can
grow very large and spread out quite a
bit if not given boundaries. Even better,
you can control growth by planting in a container; go for one that holds more than
15 gallons, or use a half-barrel or whiskey barrel planter.
Size: 3 to 5 feet tall
Container: At least 15 gallons
Light: Full sun or partial shade
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained
Plant: Crowns or roots. A few weeks before the last winter frost, plant one root
about five inches deep at a 45-degree angle, so the top sits about 2 inches beneath
the surface of the soil and the slanted end faces downward. This will ensure that your
new roots grow downward into the ground without getting snarled. Separate multi-
ple roots by 2 feet.
Water: Regularly after planting and during droughts, but less once established
Harvest: Harvest the roots after several frosts in the fall, or after a full year. Dig up
the soil, gently pull out your roots, and cut off the leafy tops; if you’d like, replant
leftover pieces of root for the following year.

Known for its antibacterial,
antiviral, and antifungal properties,
horseradish can help treat infections
in the respiratory system and urinary
tract. Its pungent heat can help kick
colds and congestion; just one whiff
or taste clears the sinuses and breaks
up mucus.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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