Herb & Spice Companion

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Flavors: fresh, peppery yet
cooling, and sharp, with
sweetness and subtle lemon

The cool, refreshing flavor of mint is known in practically every region of the world.
Naturally, there are many varieties and hybrids, with flavors ranging from basil and
apple mints to chocolate mint and the
spicy Moroccan mint. But spearmint
(Mentha spicata) is the number one
choice for cooking. Peppermint (Mentha
peperita) is cultivated for its oil and used
in chewing gum, toothpaste, desserts,
and teas, but it’s generally too intense
for typical culinary purposes.
Plant your own mint, and you’ll get
the added bonus of a built-in natural
air freshener. Mint is the quintessential
home fragrance—and one of the oldest
in history!

In the Garden
Mint, a perennial, spreads quickly and aggressively by way of runners underground.
You’ll either need plenty of room for it, or you must devise boundaries to keep it
contained. (For example, plant it in a pot first and then dig your pot into the garden
soil; the rim should be aboveground so the mint can grow up while the roots are
confined.) Alternatively, simply plant mint in a container and store it in a sunny spot
near the kitchen. Sow seedlings in the spring, spacing them in your garden so they’re
about 2 feet apart.
Size: 1 to 3 feet tall
Container: At least 12 inches in diameter
Light: Full sun to partial shade

Mint is a classic remedy for all sorts
of stomach trouble. Menthol, one
of its primary compounds, helps
relax muscles along the digestive
tract and can relieve gas, cramps,
bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.
Often consumed as a tea, mint is also
useful in treating common respiratory
ailments like sinus infections, coughs,
congestion, and asthma.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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