Herb & Spice Companion

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Origanum vulgare
(subspecies hirtum)

Flavors: pungent, peppery, sharp

If you’ve ever enjoyed pizza (and who hasn’t?), you know the peppery, robust fla-
vor of oregano. An essential seasoning in Mediterranean cooking, oregano comes in
many varieties and shares shelf space with several taste-alike and sound-alike herbs
that aren’t technically in the same family.
Marjoram (Origanum majorana),
for example, is often categorized as
oregano; although a member of the
same genus, it is a different herb with
a subtler, sweeter flavor (see page 64).
The spicier Mexican oregano (Lippia
graveolens) is not oregano at all, but
rather a cousin of lemon verbena used
in Latin American and Tex-Mex cuisines.
If you want that typical oregano flavor
beloved on pizzas and in tomato sauces,
look exclusively for fresh Mediterranean
oreganos at your local farmers market
or specialty market, or pick up the dried
herb in the spice aisle.

In the Garden
Oregano, a perennial, makes a great container plant; if you live in a seasonal climate,
consider using a pot so you can bring it indoors in cold weather.
Size: 1 to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide
Container: at least 6 inches deep
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained

Oregano offers significant
antibacterial powers: It’s been
known to help fight infection in the
respiratory system and urinary tract,
and also to relieve symptoms of
the common cold and flu. Oregano
contains thymol, the primary flavor
component of thyme, which provides
antibacterial, antiseptic, and
antioxidant activity. It’s commonly
used in cough medicines, where it
helps break up phlegm, as well as
in mouthwashes and toothpastes to
fight infection and tooth decay.

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