Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 69 –

Plant: Seedlings or cuttings
Water: Only when soil feels dry to the touch
Care: Harvest regularly to promote new growth.
Harvest: Simply snip off whole sprigs or pluck individ-
ual leaves. For dried oregano, wait just until the buds
form, before flowering, and you’ll get the best flavor.

Keep It Fresh
For longer storage, freeze oregano leaves
in ice-cube trays (see page 19). You can
also dry sprigs in bunches (see page 20);
dried oregano will stay fresh for up to
one year.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Pizza, pastas, stews, tomato
dishes and sauces, marinades, soups
Prep: Whole sprigs can be used for flavor
when roasting, grilling, or baking: Simply
place them on top of whatever you’re
cooking in the pan or on the grill. Leaves
can be used whole or chopped and added
to any dish. Dried oregano has an even
stronger flavor than fresh and can be a
handy substitute, as it's widely available
in supermarkets. Remember to use only
one-third the amount of fresh needed.
Serve: Pair oregano with other bold fla-
vors and serve cooked for the best result.
You’ll find it on roasts, grilled meats, and
roasted or baked vegetables, and in pas-
tas, rich soups and stews, marinades,
and tomato-based sauces.


  • Marjoram

  • Mint

  • Basil

  • Rosemary

Vegetables: bell peppers,
carrot, celery, mushrooms, olives,
onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
Proteins: beans, beef, cheddar
cheese, chicken, eggs, feta
cheese, fish and seafood, lamb,
mozzarella cheese, Parmesan
cheese, pork, sausage, veal
Seasonings: basil, bay leaf,
cayenne, chili powder, cumin,
garlic, lemon juice, mustard,
paprika, parsley, red pepper
flakes, thyme

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