Herb & Spice Companion

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Salvia officinalis

Flavors: pungent, woodsy, slightly
bitter and warm with pine, cedar,
mint, and lemon

Sage boasts more than nine hundred
varieties, many of which are stunningly
beautiful in the garden, with soft, vel-
vety foliage and brightly colored flowers.
For visual appeal, colorful plants like pur-
ple sage, golden sage, and tricolor sage
can’t be beat; for the tastiest herb, how-
ever, common sage and pineapple sage
offer top flavor.
When it comes to food, you might
be most familiar with sage in its com-
mon American incarnation—in the tra-
ditional Thanksgiving stuffing. It’s also
a frequent addition to the herb bundle
bouquet garni (see page 250). Sage is a
robust herb that withstands long cook
times, although cooking does mellow
the intense flavor.

In the Garden
Sage, a perennial, is a great candidate for indoor planting, as long as it receives plenty
of direct light. It will take a year to really establish itself, so harvest only a bit the first
year. In several years, sage plants (usually small shrubs) will lose their stamina and need
to be removed and replaced. Simply replant fresh cuttings to start a new generation.
Size: Up to 3 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide

Sage is known to promote healthy
digestion, which is why it’s so
commonly paired with rich, oily
meats. It’s often consumed in tea
form, used aromatically, or applied
topically to treat various conditions,
including inflammation, excessive
sweating, sore throat, anxiety, and
stress. Chewing leaves or drinking
sage tea can heal inflammation inside
the mouth and throat, while applying
sage lotions can heal skin irritation.
Tea is believed to soothe stomach
upset and relieve gas and bloating.
Research has shown that sage may
also help improve memory, calm
nerves, and boost concentration; it’s
even being studied for its potential
effectiveness in treating symptoms of
Alzheimer’s disease.

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