Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 75 –

Container: 12 to 14 inches in diameter, or larger
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Light, loose, well drained
Plant: Seeds or cuttings
Water: Regularly, but only when the top layer of soil
feels dry
Harvest: Snip sprigs and leaves only scarcely in the first
year. Wait until the second season for a full harvest,
then snip whole sprigs or individual leaves when needed.
Care: Prune in the spring after the last hard frost to encourage new growth.

Keep It Fresh
Dried sage is usable for up to six months (see directions on page 20), but know that
the flavor is more potent and should be used even more sparingly. If you prefer the
flavor of fresh sage to dried, you can store fresh leaves for up to three or four months
in the freezer (see page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Roasts, stuffings, stews, mari-
nades, rubs
Prep: Use whole sprigs or leaves to
flavor stews, soups, and roasts, then
remove before serving and use as gar-
nish, if you like. Use chopped or dried
sage in a rub for meats and fish; you can
even rub whole leaves onto the meat to
impart sage flavor. Chop or mince leaves
for other cooked dishes. If using lightly
cooked sage leaves, chop finely or mince
so they’re not overly chewy (see chop-
ping tips on page 26).
Serve: Sage pairs famously with rich, oily,
fatty meats like beef, pork, duck, veal,
and sausage. Italian cooks use it to sea-
son saltimbocca, the veal-prosciutto clas-
sic, as well as pastas and breads. It’s also a
great herb for infused oils, butters, and many cheeses. Use sparingly at first so it doesn’t
overpower your dishes; add more if needed, add more to reach your desired taste.


  • $arjoram

  • Rosemary

  • Savory

  • Thyme

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, carrots, eggplant, onions,
peas, potatoes, s?uash, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, beef, cheeses,
chicken, duck, eggs, fish, lamb,
pork, sausage, turkey, veal
Seasonings: basil, bay leaf,
caraway, garlic, ginger, honey,
lemon juice, lovage, marjoram,
mint, nutmeg, oregano, paprika,
parsley, pepper, savory, thyme

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