Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 77 –

Harvest: Once your scallions reach about 8 inches tall,
they’re ready for harvesting. Simply dig out the roots
and carefully remove from the soil. Start with the larg-
est scallions first, and the smaller ones will have more
room to grow.
Care: Weed regularly and gently by hand to protect
your roots. Place mulch over the site to retain moisture
and discourage weeds. Divide the roots every year or
two and replant for a healthy, continuous crop.

Keep It Fresh
For future use of the crunchy, flavor-
ful white stems, chop and freeze them
in ice-cube trays or plastic bags (see
instructions on page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, stews, stir-fries,
sauces, dressings, and marinades
Prep: Peel the outer layer of skin off the
base and any additional layers if they’re
brown or wilting. Slice off the root end,
then rinse scallions in cool water and
dab dry with a paper towel. Either use
whole, in long segments, or chopped. If
scallions will be cooked, chop coarsely
in thicker chunks; use kitchen shears for
easier chopping. If serving raw, chop
finely. For an elegant garnish, chop on
a diagonal up the length of the scallion,
or pull strips lengthwise from the green
tops. See chopping tips on page 26.
Serve: Add scallions only at the end
of cooking to retain their fresh, oniony
flavor, or use raw in salads, eggs, and
potato dishes.



  • Leeks

  • Shallots

  • Spring onions

  • Onions

Vegetables: cabbage, carrots,
celery, mushrooms, onions, peas,
potatoes, tomatoes
Protein: bacon, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, fish and seafood,
Seasonings: cayenne, chervil,
chili peppers, cilantro, galangal,
garlic, ginger, lemongrass, lemon
juice, mustard, parsley, perilla, red
pepper flakes, soy sauce

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