Herb & Spice Companion

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Artemisia dracunculus

Flavors: sweet, spicy anise, with
subtle basil, mint, and pepper

Tarragon is a crucial herb in French cuisine, where its distinct anise flavor is often
partnered with fish and chicken, used in classic béarnaise sauce and the fines herbes
and bouquet garni herb blends (see page 250). Use tarragon with some restraint,
however, as it can be overpowering and will diminish other flavors if you use too
much. Add to your dishes at the end of cooking to make sure it imparts its best flavor.
When shopping for tarragon, read labels carefully to make sure you’re getting the
tasty French version. If you see “Russian
tarragon,” skip it entirely. Although
related and physically similar to French
tarragon, it’s seriously lacking in flavor
and tastes rather grassy and bitter. If the
plant isn’t clearly labeled, try a taste test:
French tarragon should be sweet, lico-
rice-flavored, and leave a slight tingle on
the tongue. On the other hand, Spanish
or Mexican tarragon (Tagetes lucida)—
an entirely different plant belonging to
the marigold species—will be an apt
substitute for French, with its similar but
stronger anise flavor.

In the Garden
Tarragon, a perennial, needs a dormant winter, so it’s not an ideal herb for hot, humid
regions. (Mexican tarragon is a great replacement.) In these climates, plant tarragon
in a container to improve circulation and drainage. Consider growing tarragon in
raised beds for optimal drainage, especially in regions that experience rainy seasons.
Size: 2 to 3 feet tall

When eaten, tarragon leaves trigger
a subtle numbing effect in the mouth,
making it a natural treatment for
toothaches. In fact, the herb contains
the chemical eugenol, which is used
in dentistry for its antiseptic and mild
anesthetic abilities. Tarragon can also
help prevent and alleviate digestive
trouble, including gas and bloating.

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