Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 79 –

Container: At least 12 inches deep
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Dry, loose, well drained
Plant: Cuttings or root divisions, about 2 feet apart
Water: Regularly and evenly until the plants are
matured, then only every few days
Harvest: Pick individual leaves or snip full sprigs.
Care: Trim regularly to prevent flowering and promote
new growth. Prune plants if they grow taller than 2
feet so they don’t tip over. In cold climates, place mulch around the plants in late fall
to protect the roots during winter weather. After the second or third season, divide
plants in late winter or early spring and replant. Or, simply plant new cuttings.

Keep It Fresh
Tarragon loses its flavor when dried,
so opt for the freezer if you want long-
term storage (see directions on page 19).
Alternatively, store leaves in a bottle of
white vinegar for a tasty fusion of flavors.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Dressings, marinades, roasts,
stews, soups, salads, stuffings
Prep: Use whole leaves or chop before
adding to any dish (see tips on page 26).
Serve: Place whole sprigs beneath
chicken, game meats, or fish while cook-
ing to permeate an entire dish with fla-
vor. You can also infuse tarragon into
vinegars, mustards, and herb butters:
Chop and add to mustard or butter, and
place whole leaves inside a vinegar bot-
tle. Try pairing tarragon with the foods
and seasonings on the pairings list for a
complete meal.


  • Chervil

  • ennel seed

  • Anise

  • $eFican mint

  • $arigold

Vegetables: artichokes,
asparagus, carrots, celery, green
beans, lettuce, mushrooms,
onions, potatoes, shallots,
spinach, tomatoes
Proteins: beef, cheeses, chicken,
duck, eggs, fish and seafood,
rabbit, turkey
Seasonings: basil, bay leaves,
capers, cayenne, chervil, chives,
dill, garlic, lemon juice, mustard,
oregano, paprika, parsley,
rosemary, thyme

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