Herb & Spice Companion

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Thymus vulgaris

Flavors: pungent, woodsy, spicy,
with mint and clove

Thyme grows in hundreds of varieties, with common thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and lemon
thyme (Thymus citriodorus) the most widely used in the kitchen. This Mediterranean
herb often grows as a small shrub with stiff, woody stems and small, oval, green leaves.
But its diverse species also includes plants
that are taller, shorter, and more colorful.
Try delicious flavors like orange, oregano,
and caraway.
A staple in Italian, Mediterranean,
French, Creole, and Cajun cooking,
thyme is crucial to French herb blends
such as fines herbes, herbes de Provence,
and many bouquet garnis, as well as to
the Middle Eastern blend za’atar (see rec-
ipes on page 250–251). With its robust
flavor, thyme stands up beautifully to
high temperatures and long cook times.
Use in moderation—too much thyme can
overwhelm other flavors in a dish.

In the Garden
Thyme, a perennial, grows beautifully in containers, especially in clay pots, making it
easy to bring indoors in extreme weather. Just make sure your container is the right
size and offers adequate drainage holes. In humid climates or in heavy soils, improve
drainage by using limestone gravel mulch.
Size: 6 to 15 inches tall and up to 15 inches wide
Container: at least 1 gallon
Light: Full sun

Thyme has a long history of medicinal
and superstitious uses. It was even
included in herbal remedies believed
to fight and prevent the Black Plague.
Today, there’s evidence that thyme
in tea form can help respiratory
illnesses like cough, bronchitis, and
even asthma. Shown to possess
antibacterial, antifungal, and
antiseptic properties, the herb can
also be made into a tincture to treat
skin irritations, acne, minor wounds,
and even nail fungus.

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