Herb & Spice Companion

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Soil: Sandy, extremely well drained soil
Plant: Cuttings or young plants
Water: Water thoroughly just after planting, and then
only when the soil feels dry.
Harvest: Harvest whole stems often and regularly to
keep the plant thriving through the growing season.
For making dry thyme, harvest just before flowering for
the best flavor. Divide root pieces and replant to keep
your thyme thriving through a few seasons.
Care: Trim regularly to promote new growth. In cold
climates, place mulch around the plants when the ground freezes to protect the roots.

Keep It Fresh
For longer freshness, dry or freeze thyme
according to the directions on page
19 –20.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Stews, casseroles, pâtés, soups,
sauces, marinades, stuffings
Prep: Use whole sprigs for flavoring
stews and roasts. Use whole leaves or
chop and add to any savory dish.
Serve: Thyme is a fantastic match for
tomato sauces, chili, potatoes, beans,
and egg dishes. Add it to rubs for beef,
pork, and lamb roasts, or infuse into but-
ters, vinegars, mustards, or mayonnaise.


  • Marjoram

  • Oregano

  • Savory

  • Basil

  • Bay leaf

Vegetables: bell peppers,
carrots, corn, cucumbers,
eggplant, green beans, leeks,
mushrooms, onions, peas,
potatoes, spinach, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, beef, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, fish and seafood,
lamb, rabbit, sausage, turkey, veal
Seasonings: basil, bay leaves,
garlic, honey, lemon, marjoram,
mustard, oregano, parsley,
rosemary, sage, savory

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