Herb & Spice Companion

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Nasturtium officinale

Flavors: pungent, peppery,
slightly bitter

Hugely popular in English kitchens,
watercress is one of the oldest veggies
known to man. It’s also one of the health-
iest. Botanically, it’s related to mustard,
wasabi, and horseradish, which explains
the spicy zip on your tongue when you
eat it. Watercress adds a zesty crunch to
salads, sandwiches, and cheese spreads.
It’s delicious in all manner of soups, from
minestrone to wonton to French water-
cress soup, or potage au cresson. And
it can be quick-cooked in stir-fries and
egg dishes.

In the Garden
Watercress, a perennial, grows naturally and easily in shallow, slow-flowing water. If
you can replicate these conditions, it will also grow in containers or in a shady, wet
spot in the garden. You'll need a con-
tainer large enough to hold soil-filled
pots with drainage holes, so the water
from the pots can drain into the con-
tainer to form a pond-like environment.
Or, try a makeshift "bog" in the garden
(see instructions on opposite page).
Watercress won’t transplant easily, so
make sure your pots and your bog are
suitable for mature plants.

Watercress has been used over the
centuries as a breath freshener,
stimulant, and remedy for scurvy,
blood disorders, and countless other
conditions. As a tea, it’s used to
treat cough, flu, and bronchitis, and
to improve digestion. Watercress is
a cruciferous vegetable—a group
of plants, along with broccoli,
horseradish, and cabbage, currently
being studied for its effect on cancer
growth and prevention.

Build a Bog: To form a bog in the
garden, dig a hole 2 feet in diameter
and 1 foot deep, and line it with pond
liner. Fill with soil, water deeply to
create a bog environment, and plant
the seeds or stems.

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