Herb & Spice Companion

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Angelica archangelica

Flavors: warm, bittersweet, and
earthy, with anise and celery

This cool-weather herb belongs to the parsley family but has a look, aroma, and flavor
all its own. It can grow taller than 6 feet, bearing shiny green leaves, ribbed purplish
stems, and globes of little light-green
flowers that spread open over the plant
like an umbrella.
In addition to its beauty, angelica’s
roots, stems, leaves, and flowers are
all edible. Stems are often candied and
used as decoration on desserts, while
the roots can be cooked like a vegetable.
Seeds are used to flavor wines, liquors,
pastries, and ice cream.

In the Garden
Angelica, a biennial, is not ideal for containers, as it grows quite tall and can become
unstable in a pot. It won’t transplant easily after the seedling stage, so choose wisely
when selecting a spot for it.
Size: Up to 8 feet tall
Light: Partial shade to full sun
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds or root divisions. Fresh seeds are preferred over old dried seeds, which
need to be stratified in order to germinate (see page 14).
Water: Regularly, at the base of the plant

Taken in tea form, angelica is a
known natural remedy for digestive
troubles, including ulcers, gas,
and heartburn. Also used as an
antispasmodic and stimulant, the
herb eases stomach cramping, relaxes
the nerves and muscles, and helps
stimulate blood flow.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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