Herb & Spice Companion

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Exotic Herbs..............

  • 87 –

Harvest: Snip stems and leaves in the spring of its
second year, and harvest seeds when they’re mature.
Flowers only bloom in the second year. To get the seeds,
cut the flowers from the stems into a paper bag and let
them dry. For the roots, dig up in fall of the second year.
Care: Weed regularly and snip flowers whenever you
see them to prevent the plant from seeding. Prune back
in summer to promote new growth. In hot, sunny climates, angelica will need some
shade. Angelica will die after the flowers bloom and the plant seeds, usually in the
second year; if trimmed regularly, it’ll live longer.

Keep It Fresh
For future use, freeze angelica leaves as
described on page 19. If you want dried
root, first scrub with a vegetable brush
to thoroughly clean, then slice length-
wise into smaller segments to help them
dry. Follow the oven-drying directions
on page 21.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Candy, desserts, marinades,
sauces, salads, stuffings
Prep: Chop stems and leaves or use
leaves whole in salads and other dishes.
The dried, powdered root can be used to
flavor cakes and pastries.
Serve: Angelica’s delicate celery and
anise flavors match well with fruit (rhu-
barb, in particular) and other sweets for
preserves or pie fillings. It’s also a nice
complement for fish in a marinade.
Stems and leaves can be added to sal-
ads, marinades, and sauces, or cooked
and eaten on their own.


  • Lovage

  • Tarragon

  • Fennel

  • Juniper berries

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, apricots, celery, dates,
oranges, peaches, pomegranate,
onions, pineapple, plums,
pumpkin, rhubarb, squash,
strawberries, tomatoes
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
eggs, fish and seafood, pork
Seasonings: allspice, anise,
cardamom, cinnamon, cloves,
coriander seeds, fennel, garlic,
horseradish, juniper, lavender,
lemon balm, lemon juice and
zest, marjoram, mint, nutmeg,
oregano, parsley, pepper, perilla,
soy sauce

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