Herb & Spice Companion

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Flavors: pungent, sweet, floral,

Chamomile translates to “little apple” in Spanish and “earth apple” in Greek, pre-
sumably for the herb’s apple-like fragrance in the garden. While there are many
plants called chamomile, the two used most often as an herb are German chamomile
(Chamaemelum matricaria recutita) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile),
both bearing flowers that look like dai-
sies. Dubbed “the plant’s physician,”
chamomile makes a great companion
plant in the garden, as it repels pests
and supports the health of neighboring
herbs and veggies.
Best known for its soothing quali-
ties in teas, chamomile can be added to
all kinds of beverages for similar effect
and floral flavor, including lemonades,
smoothies, and liqueurs. It’s also a pop-
ular herb in aromatherapy and a feature
ingredient in many cosmetics, includ-
ing soaps, hair products, lotions, and
herbal baths.

In the Garden
Roman and German chamomiles grow in similar conditions and will both thrive in
containers. The Roman variety is a perennial that grows close to the ground, with tiny
daisy-like flowers and sweet, spindly foliage. German chamomile is an annual that
sprouts upright to about 1 or 2 feet, growing larger daisy-like flowers.

Chamomile tea is a timeless
remedy for digestive upset, nausea,
sleeplessness, and the common cold.
Its calming effects can alleviate
symptoms of stress and anxiety,
including nervous stomach, ulcers,
and headaches or migraines.
Chamomile also serves as an
antispasmodic, taming both intestinal
cramps and menstrual cramps as well
as relieving gas and bloating.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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