Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 95 –

Size: Roman, 3 to 6 inches tall and 9 to 12 inches wide;
German, up to 2 feet fall and 18 inches wide
Container: 1 foot deep and wide
Light: Full sun or partial shade
Soil: Light, sandy, well drained
Plant: Seeds, plants, cuttings, or divisions. Seeds need
light to germinate, so place them just under the surface
of the soil.
Water: Regularly and evenly, especially in droughts,
about one inch per week; do not overwater.
Harvest: Snip leaves through spring and summer. When in full bloom, snip individual
flowers with a portion of stem attached. Or, if growing German chamomile, you can
pull up the whole plant.
Care: Trim regularly and remove dead flowers to promote new growth. Place mulch
around the plants to retain water and prevent the growth of weeds. German chamo-
mile self-seeds readily, so either remove dead flower heads to control regrowth or let
the plant grow back the following spring.

Keep It Fresh
Leaves and flowers can be used fresh or dried for teas, though dried flowers are more
potent. Dry chamomile according to the directions on page 20. Do not freeze fresh

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Teas, beverages, jellies, baked
Prep: Use fresh leaves and flowers
whole, chopped, or crumble dried.
Serve: In addition to tea, lemonade,
smoothies, and other beverages, cham-
omile can be used creatively in baking:
Infuse dried leaves into butter, milk, or
honey, or grind them with sugar, and
add to your batter. It also adds a floral
essence to preserves, stewed fruit, pie
fillings, panna cotta, dessert sauces like
crème anglaise, and ice cream.


  • Bergamot

  • Borage

  • Lavender

  • Lemon balm

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, apricots, blueberries,
grapefruits, lemons, oranges,
peaches, pineapple, plums
Proteins: almonds, hazelnuts,
pecans, walnuts
Seasonings: cinnamon, cloves,
fennel, honey, lavender, lemon
verbena, mint, nutmeg

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