Herb & Spice Companion

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Eryngium foetidum

Other common names: Mexican
coriander, culangot, or long
Flavors: pungent, sharp, earthy,
cilantro-like but stronger

Despite being a wildly popular herb in the Caribbean, Latin America, and Southeast
Asia, culantro is still under the radar in the United States, sold mostly in cities with
large Latin American or Caribbean pop-
ulations. It sounds and tastes somewhat
like its famous cousin, cilantro, and the
two herbs are often confused for those
reasons. But they shouldn’t be, as culan-
tro looks like a completely different herb
and is a completely different herb—with
its long, serrated leaves, stronger flavor,
and ability to withstand long cook times.
To add to the confusion, culantro
also goes by several other names, such
as long or spiny coriander, Mexican cori-
ander, Mexican cilantro, shado beni in
Trinidad, and recao in Central America.

In the Garden
Culantro, a perennial, is a warm-weather plant that thrives in containers. It grows the
most flavorful leaves when partially shaded from the sun. In peak summer tempera-
tures and under hot full sun, the plant will flower quickly and stop producing leaves;
so provide shade to keep those tasty leaves coming back.
Size: Up to 18 inches tall
Container: At least 4 inches deep and 8 inches in diameter, or 1 gallon

Widely used in South America and
the Caribbean as a medicinal herb,
culantro is commonly prepared as a
tea to treat indigestion, constipation,
gas, fever, and the flu. Its stomach-
calming effects help relieve diarrhea,
nausea, and vomiting. Known to
have anti-inflammatory and mild
pain-relieving abilities, it’s also been
used historically as a treatment
for epilepsy, as demonstrated in
the nicknames “fitweed” and

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