Herb & Spice Companion

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Light: Partial shade to full sun; partial shade is preferred
for larger, more flavorful leaves and a longer growing
Soil: Rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds, seedlings, or plants
Water: Regularly, when soil feels dry to the touch
Harvest: Snip outer individual leaves when you need them, or use a knife to cut off
the entire plant at the base.
Care: Trim flower stalks when they sprout (about once a week) to keep the plant thriv-
ing and lengthen the harvest. Once culantro flowers, the leaves become too tough for
cooking. Place mulch around the plants
to retain moisture. Protect from frosts.

Keep It Fresh
Culantro dries well, unlike the more ten-
der cilantro. It’ll also hold up if chopped
and frozen in ice-cube trays with a bit of
olive oil (see directions on page 19–21).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Curries, stews, soups, mari-
nades, salsas
Prep: Chop and add to any dish. If
you’re using culantro in place of the
milder cilantro, cut the amount in half
to accommodate for the more intense
Serve: Culantro is essential to many Latin
American and Caribbean dishes, includ-
ing Puerto Rican sofrito. In Southeast
Asia, it’s increasingly used in curries,
soups, chutney, and beef dishes, and it’s
a staple condiment in Vietnamese meals.
Its robust flavor makes it a great swap
for cilantro in meaty stews and curries.


  • Cilantro

Fruits and Vegetables:
avocado, carrots, corn, jicama,
lettuce, mangoes, mushrooms,
onions, peppers, plantains,
shallots, tomatillos, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, beef, chicken,
eggs, fish and seafood, pork
Seasonings: annatto, basil, chili
peppers, cilantro, coriander seeds,
cumin, curry powder, fish sauce,
galangal, garlic, ginger, jalapeVo,
lemongrass, lemon juice and
Hest, lime juice and Hest, makrut
lime, marjoram, mint, oregano,
parsley, pepper, red pepper Lakes,

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