Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1
Bahia Palace MUSEUM

Offline map Google  map ( 0524  38  95  64; Rue Riad    Zitoun  el-Jedid;   admission   Dh10;    9am-

4.30pm) Imagine what you could build with Morocco’s top artisans at your service for 14 years,
and here you have it: La Bahia (the Beautiful) has floor-to-ceiling decoration begun by Grand
Vizier Si Moussa in the 1860s and embellished from 1894 to 1900 by slave-turned-vizier Abu
‘Bou’ Ahmed.

Grand & Petit Courts

Painted, gilded, inlaid woodwork ceilings in the Grand Court still have the intended effect of
subduing crowds, while sunburst zellij in the Petit Court dazzled dignitaries. But the Bahia
proved too beguiling: in 1908, warlord Pasha Glaoui claimed the palace as a suitable venue to
entertain French guests, who were so impressed that they booted out their host in 1911, and
installed the protectorate’s résident-généraux here.


Though only a portion of the palace’s 8 hectares and 150 rooms is open to the public, you can
see the unfurnished, opulently ornamented harem that once housed Bou Ahmed’s four wives
and 24 concubines. The quarters of his favourite, Lalla Zineb, are the most spectacular, with
original woven-silk panels, stained-glass windows, intricate marquetry and ceilings painted with
rose bouquets.


Through the harem is a flowering garden attached to the stark, sternly official Court of Honour,
where people waited in the sun for hours to beg for Bou Ahmed’s mercy. Apparently they cased
the joint too: before the despot’s body was cold, enemies and wives of Bou Ahmed stripped the
palace bare.

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