Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1





Unité de Distillation de Rose

( 0661 34 81 77; 8am-5.30pm) A collective of five farms with an immaculate shared
rosewater distillery, located 500m before you reach downtown on your right. The adjoining
showroom offers a full range of bath products, including uncoloured, untreated rosewater used
locally as aftershave and to bring down fever – perfect for all those feverish shaving sessions.

Cooperative Artisan du Poignards Azlag

( 9am-5pm) Life in Kelaâ M’Gouna must not always have been so rosy, because the region
also has a tradition of making daggers. At this set-price showroom on the main road at the
eastern edge of town, ceremonial daggers range from Dh250-1200. On the wall is a collection
of local styles, ranging from Tuareg (leather-handled, straight blade) to Aït Aitta (inlaid hilt,
curved blade). It’s sometimes closed for lunch.

Getting There & Away

Buses run between Ouarzazate and Tinerhir via Kelaâ, but are often full. You can catch a grand
taxi to Ouarzazate (Dh30), Skoura (Dh10), Boumalne du Dadès (Dh7) and Tinerhir (Dh6).

Boumalne du Dadès

POP 11,200
At the Dadès Gorge crossroads, Boumalne has river valley views and handy amenities for
gorge-bound trekkers. Head 24km northeast of Kelaâ M’Gouna until you reach a fork: the main
road continues over the river to the hillside town of Boumalne du Dadès, while the left-hand
road leads into stunning Dadès Gorge. Market day is Wednesday.

If you think this place is for the birds, you’re right: the hammada and grassy plains south of
Boumalne du Dadès offer rewarding birdwatching opportunities. Take the piste leading off the
main road beyond town south towards the village of Tagdilt and Vallée des Oiseaux (Valley of
the Birds) to look for larks, wheat-ears, sand grouse, buzzards and eagle owls.


Hamou Aït Lhou

( 0667 59 32 92; [email protected]; Ave Mohammed V) Knowledgeable official guide who
leads trips on foot or bicycle and rents mountain bikes (Dh120 per day).

Hammam Warda

(admission Dh8, plus tip; 8am-8pm) Through the gate to the souq and across the plaza, this
public hammam serves men and women separately.

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