Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1







Eating & Drinking

Assilah has a string of restaurants clustered around Bab Kasaba and along the medina walls on
Ave Hassan II. There are a few other cheap options on Rue Ahmed M’dem near the banks on
Pl Mohammed V.

Casa García €€

Offline map Google  map (    0539   41  74  65; 51  Rue Moulay  Hassan  ben el-Mehdi;   mains   from

Dh80; lunch & dinner) Spanish-style fish dishes and fishy tapas are the speciality at this
small restaurant opposite the beach. Go for succulent grilled fish or a more adventurous menu
of octopus, eels, shrimp and barnacles, served with a glass of crisp Moroccan gris wine on the
large and breezy terrace. The paella is delicious too.

Restaurante Oceano Casa Pepe €€

Offline map Google  map (    0539   41  73  95; 8   Place   Zellaka;    mains   Dh80-120;    lunch  &   dinner)

Black-tied waiters lure in the punters from the street at this slightly more formal dining option,
where fresh seafood tops the bill. Spanish and Moroccan wine, low lighting and soft music
make it a more refined atmosphere.

Restaurant la Place €€

Offline map Google map ( 0539 41 73 26; 7 Ave Moulay Hassan ben el-Mehdi; mains Dh75;

lunch & dinner) Friendly, less formal and more varied than its neighbours, this restaurant offers
a choice of traditional Moroccan dishes as well as the ubiquitous fish and seafood. The
delicious fish tajine provides the best of both worlds.

Restaurant Yali €

Offline map Google  map (Ave    Hassan  II; mains   Dh50;    lunch  &   dinner) Although    there’s little  to

choose between them, this is one of the most popular of the string of restaurants along the
medina walls. It serves up a good selection of fish, seafood, pizza and traditional Moroccan

La Symphonie II des Douceurs €

Offline map Google  map (26 Pl  Zellaka)    This    cafe    is  the best    place   for breakfast   or  an  afternoon

sugar fix. Devour pastries and ice cream (in summer only) in very civilised surroundings.

Al-Madina €

Offline map Google  map (Pl Abdellah    Guennoun)   The main    attraction  of  this    simple  little  cafe    in  the

medina is its sunny seating area in the square in front of El-Khamra Tower. It’s a great place to
sip a coffee and watch the world go by.

Café Tanger €

Offline map Google  map (52 Ave Mohammed    V)  For a   more    authentic   experience, head    for this

cafe north of the square, where the predominantly male clientele sip coffee, suck their teeth

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