Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

Melisur ( 956 68 66 13; 8 Calle de General Marina; 9am-1pm & 5-7pm Mon-Fri, 9am-
noon Sat) sells Acciona (Transmediterraneo) ferry tickets to Málaga and Almeria. Tickets are
also available for purchase at the estación marítima Offline map Google map (ferry port; 956

68 16 33) . Ferry services to Malaga:

Monday noon arriving at 7.35pm, and midnight arriving at 8am on Tuesday

Tuesday to Saturday midnight

Ferries from Malaga to Melilla leave on Monday (11pm, arriving at 8am on Tuesday) and
Tuesday to Saturday ( 2pm arriving at 9.30pm). Prices begin at €30.70.

Ferry services to Almeria leave on Monday ( 9am) and Sunday ( 2.30pm).
Ferries from Almeria to Melilla lave on Monday ( 4.30pm) and Tuesday to Sunday at

Border Crossing
To get to the border, you’ll need to either take a taxi (€6) or catch local bus 2 (marked ‘Aforos’),
which runs between Plaza de España and the Beni Enzar border post (€0.60, every 30 minutes
from 7.30am to 11pm). From where the buses stop, it’s about 50m to Spanish customs and
another 200m to Moroccan customs.

Before entering Morocco, fill in a white form and get your passport stamped at the booth.
Touts may approach trying to charge you for these forms, or ask a fee to fill them out for you. If
you’re driving into Morocco, remember to retain the green customs slip, which you must present
when you (and your vehicle) leave the country. Large queues of vehicles entering Morocco are
frequent and time-consuming; procedures for foot passengers are quick and easy.

On the Moroccan side of the border, bus 19 (usually unmarked) runs hourly to Nador (Dh25,
25 minutes). Frequent grands taxis (Dh5, 15 minutes) to Nador are tucked away in a car park
to the right of this crossroad.

When entering Melilla from Morocco, fill in a yellow form and get your passport stamped.
Some nationalities require visas to enter Spain: if they don’t stop you here, they will when you
try to move on to the mainland. Bus 43 goes to Plaza España (€0.60).

Getting Around

The centre of Melilla is compact and easy to walk around. Buses ply the route between Plaza
de España and the border. The local taxi service ( 956 68 36 21) is also useful.


POP 180,000
There is a new road from Al-Hoceima to Nador (130km) that is a delight to travel, even when
squashed into a grand taxi. It passes through red cliffs, verdant gorges and, midway, an
enormous sculpture of deeply eroded hills. A new resort, Atalayoun Golf, was being
constructed at the time of research.

Within  60km    of  Nador   there   are several ramshackle, clifftop    cafes   that    are perfect for a   mint
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