Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1







Oujda’s medina isn’t large but the walls and several surrounding squares have recently been
renovated. Enter through the eastern gate, Bab el-Ouahab Offline map Google map ; its gruesome
name is from the old habit of hanging heads of criminals here, which persisted until the French
protectorate. It is chock-full of food stalls (Oujda olives are well regarded) and street cafes.
Bustling without being overwhelming, it’s a great slice of tradition and modernity. From Place el-
Attarine, head north through the souqs past the 14th-century Grande Mosquée built by the
Merenids, popping out near Place du 16 Août, the centre of the ville nouvelle. The square is
marked by a 1930s clock tower and fine sandstone mosque Offline map Google map.

Central Oujda

Although full of new buildings, the side streets in central Oujda are frequently rich in French
protectorate and deco buildings (although often in poor condition). Walking south along Blvd
Mohammed V, note the fine French neo-Moorish Banque al-Maghrib Offline map Google map ,
before arriving at the Cathedrale St Louis Offline map Google map (with nesting storks on its



While the Algerian border remains closed, Oujda’s hotels are filled to over-capacity, but at most
hotels, rates fall on asking.

Hôtel Angad €

Offline map Google  map (    0536   69  14  51; [email protected];  Rue Ramdane el-Gadhi;   s/d

Dh180/224, with air-con Dh232/274) The top pick of the budget hotels is this affordable two-
star. Rooms are basic, with large bathroom and TV; get a room at the back as streetside can
be noisy. The downstairs cafe does breakfast and pizza.

Hôtel Tlemcen €

Offline map Google  map (    0536   70  03  84; 26  Rue Ramdane el-Gadhi;   r   per person  Dh60) This

friendly little place offers excellent value, and has an exceedingly grand-looking lobby. Quarters
are small but bright, with bathrooms and TV.

Hôtel Atrah €

Offline map Google  map (    0536   68  65  33; off Rue Ramdane el-Gadhi;   s/d Dh113/178)  The tiles

and plasterwork in the lobby lend some traditional Moroccan flavour here. Self-contained rooms
are a bit boxy, but otherwise this is a good budget choice.

Hôtel la Concorde €

Offline map Google  map (    0536   68  23  28; 57  Blvd    Mohammed    V;  s/d Dh177/206)  The low-

ceilinged reception – they’ve squeezed in a mezzanine bar – makes you feel cramped, but the
rooms are better than you’d think. There’s a slight impression of a good hotel fallen on hard
times, but it’s fine for the price and location.

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