Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1




Sleeping & Eating


There are cheap restaurants on Ave Hassan II, Ave Mohammed V and around the Place de la
Marche Verte, although many close at lunchtime. To sip a mint tea or for breakfast (Dh30),
head to Hôtel Sable d’Or.

Hôtel Sable d’Or €

( 0528 87 90 80; [email protected]; Ave Hassan II; s/d from Dh150/200) Next to the
banks on the main road, this basic hotel is the best option in town, with comfortable en-suite
rooms. The staff are friendlier than many Tan Tan townsfolk and there’s a cafe-restaurant.

Hôtel Bir Azzarane €

( 0528 87 78 34; Ave Hassan II; s/d Dh50/80) A worn but friendly place, next to the royal
palace (soldiers patronise the cafe here) on the west side of the river. The brown- carpeted
upstairs corridor leads past a seemingly endless stream of boxy rooms.


A few hundred metres southwest of the centre on the port road, there are two camp sites
opposite Hotel Hagounia. There are cafes and snack bars on the main square.

Hotel Hagounia €

( 0528 87 90 20; [email protected]; s/d Dh150/250; ) Run by the welcoming,
English-speaking Abdul, the Hagounia is the best option, with all amenities. Rooms have small
balconies with unbroken beach views and there’s a restaurant (meals Dh85).

Hotel Belle Vue €

( 0528 87 91 33; s/d from Dh100/150) This appropriately named seafront hotel has cheery
rooms, reached along corridors decorated by an obviously enthusiastic local artist. The cafe-
restaurant (meals Dh110), popular with locals and overlanders, is one of Tan Tan Plage’s best,
serving dishes such as grilled sole and calamari.


Tan Tan
Banks and internet cafes are clustered around the junction of Ave Hassan II and Ave
Mohammed V.

Banque Populaire (Ave Mohammed V)

BMCE (Ave Hassan II) ATM and exchange, next to the Shell petrol station.

Club Internet (off Ave Hassan II; per hr Dh4; 9am-midnight) Next to Samir Oil petrol
station, it has a fairly fast connection.

Main post office (Ave Hassan II) To the east of town.

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