Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

(one porter can carry up to 18kg).

There is usually a standard charge for a mule and muleteer of about Dh100 per day. As with
guides, if you trek a linear route you’ll also be expected to pay for the muleteer’s return journey.


Even    just    a   few words   in  a   foreign language    can make    a   big difference  to  your    experience. The following   words   may be  helpful
on these treks. ‘(A)’ indicates Arabic, ‘(B)’ indicates Berber; other useful Arabic and Berber words can be found in the Glossary
(Click here).
adfel (B) – snow
adrar (B) – mountain (plural idraren )
afella (B) – summit
agdal (B) – pasture (also aougdal )

aghbalu (B) –   water   spring
ain (A) – water spring
aman (B) – water
anzar (B) – rain
argaz (B) – man

asserdoun   (B) –   mule
assif (B) – watercourse, river
azaghar (B) – plane, plateau (also izwghar )
azib (B) – seasonal shelter for shepherds
brhel (A) – mule

châba   (B) –   ravine
iferd (B) – lake
ifri (B) – cave
jebel (A) – mountain or hill
kerkour (B) – cairn

taddart (B) –   house
talat (B) – dried-up ravine or watercourse
tamada (B) – lake
tigm (B) – house
tizi (B) – mountain pass
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