The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution

(Elliott) #1

God was waiting for the harvest. He longed to see the Divine Fruit, for like
would bear like unto Him, as an apple tree would bear an apple and a pear tree a
pear. Thus, in everything, His Law would be obeyed. The Seed germinated and
hastened to bear fruit. All the shoots were by now firmly established, showing
strong stems. Only their fruit was still in question. And only as the fruit ripened
was it possible to judge the results. But for that the Periods had not yet come. In
the meantime, the fruit was absorbing everything granted to it by a generous
world. And the roots, whether they were sunk into the darkness or into the Light,
served to determine the fruit’s true value...
Thus the Gods directed the Motion of the Wheel towards the New Period.
And that was the Season of Reaping, designed to effect the final calculation of
the ripened Divine Harvest.

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